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God Is Closer Than You Think

God Is Closer Than You Think

This Can Be the Greatest Moment of Your Life Because This Moment Is the Place Where You Can Meet God


Average rating5


Ortberg does a fantastic job of making Biblical concepts accessible in a way. This is like Practicing the Presence of God for modern day. Not that the practice has changed, but our culture, lingo, and technology has.

There are two prayers that stand out. The one we tend to pray is “God, don't look at me right now.” We push God away because we don't want him to see what we are going to do, knowing it's not his way. We excuse ourselves from his presence.

The second prayer, that closes the book, is, “Make down here like up there.” This is when we choose to allow ourselves to be conduits of God's presence to others in our everyday lives.

The book has a lot in between that discusses practicing the presence of God in ways that don't mean joining a monastery. This is a good book for those looking for encouragement and practical advice on practicing God's presence.

May 26, 2018