2017 • 320 pages


Average rating3.6


A fairly quick and insightful read. The first few chapters examine our innate tendency to anthropomorphize God from a psychological and biological perspective, which I found compelling. The middle chapters explore how various religions (and their respective concept/image of God) emerged over time, beginning with prehistoric people, moving through the Greeks, Jews, Christians, and Muslims. The history was interesting as well, but a bit denser and harder for me to follow. Then within a few pages at the end, Aslan comes to his own spiritual conclusion, which is similar to the conclusion I myself have circuitously/arduously arrived at; reading through it definitely helped me flesh out some of my own thoughts and gave me further points to consider.

Ultimately, though, Aslan's conclusion is his own. Just because I (mostly) agree with it doesn't mean it's right. But there are arguments he presents that are provocative, no matter your belief system. And this isn't a book trying to prove any belief, or non-belief, nor claim any as more plausible than any other. But what it does is ask us is to truly consider, in light of what we know historically, and scientifically, what WE as individuals choose to believe: “the unalterable fact [is] that everything exists today and has always existed and will always exist as long as the universe itself exists... All is One, and One is All. It is simply up to the individual to decide what the “One” is: how it should be defined, and how it should be experienced.”

January 1, 2019