2010 • 304 pages


Average rating3.9


Oh, wow. This was... bad, really bad. I expected this to be fantasy while in fact this is a young-adult novel that feels like it was written by a teenager.Kissen (I'm sorry but as a German, I'm having a hard time with this name...), our queer, one-legged hero, goes on an adventure with a former knight, childhood friend of the king, a spoilt brat, Inara, from a noble house - a house that was literally burned down, including Inara's beloved servants, and mother. Inara also has a pest problem, manifesting as a god (of white lies).Among that lies naive romance, attempted-coming-of-age, fantasy-lite and a looooong journey that drags and drags and... You get the gist. The writing is also mediocre at best and, even worse, errors abound: »Kissen wasn't going to let him stupid that easily.«Thankfully, that was the most aggravating mistake but, still, a disgrace.I'm abandoning this at 70% to later slumber on my Kissen.One star out of five.Blog Facebook Twitter Mastodon Instagram Pinterest Medium Matrix TumblrCeterum censeo Putin esse delendam

April 15, 2024