So this is part 2 (?) of this series and I'm guessing that it will/should continue in order to finish the story. I'm not sure that I'll go on.On the one hand this was a bit different from our daily fare which is good. On the other hand I can't quite see the logic, motivations of certain characters, or where this is going. Normally that would be a good thing but I'm apprehensive about ... where is the meta story going.Perry is all that is good in the world plus extra sprinkles. Life did him wrong three years ago and now he's putting his life back together via a job in Maverick Insurance where some of the staff seem unaccountably fond and concerned with the new janitor. Nathaniel/Nate was the first responding officer in Perry's hour of distress and since then he's been fixated on him. Now as a homicide detective when a case takes him to Maverick Insurance he sees/meets Perry again and all bets are off. I figured out pretty early in [b:No Good Deed 114821648 No Good Deed (Maverick Insurance Mysteries #1) M.J. May 137146289] what was going on however we are now on BK.2 and the original “villains” are background fodder while Nate & Nat (don't ask) have moved on to different cases. The current one is only tangentially connected to Perry which makes me wonder how or when the original story will evolve. On the romance department the story is idealistic & gentle. Not a bad thing. Just an observation. Those who like their MC to have all the correct views and say the right things will likely enjoy this more than I did.As usual YMMV.

December 7, 2023