Cover 7

Goldilocks and the Three Bears Little Board Book

Goldilocks and the Three Bears Little Board Book


Average rating5


This quickly became my kid's favorite (3 years old at the time, now 4 and still loving it) and I often catch him “reading” it to himself (from memory). It helps that I made the baby bear a bit over the top, I'm sure.

To be honest, I was a little off put on first read - the book has minimum words and relies heavily on parents to remember the story from their childhood. This works for those familiar with the story, but leaves a lot of gaps for those who aren't.

I suffered a bit of a nostalgia shock when Goldilocks, in this version (and I assume most newer versions) ends the book by making up for her actions. It's a great shift for the story, but I was like.. c'mon, she doesn't even get eaten anymore? I was amused by this for way longer than I should have been. My spouse tells me it's been this way for at least 10 years.

December 1, 2021