Average rating3.9
Just... Holy shit. I listened to the audiobook version of this book (which was over 18 hours, might I add) and I am honestly so happy I did. This book didn't really appeal to me during the first part because it felt like it was just dragging on, but as I kept listening I realised how important every single detail was.
I thought “this book is going to be really fucking predictable” - I knew Amy had framed Nick since part one, but the extent of how she did it... Props to you Flynn! It's probably the most unpredictable books I've ever read. I was so anxious to see if Nick or Amy would end up on top and I love how Amy's last chapter didn't clarify who it was.
And Amy's character though. I had predicted her framing Nick but???? Holy shit??? The lengths she went to. SHE MURDERED DESI!?!?!?!? And got away with it? Never would I ever have predicted it. I mean I knew she was a conniving, psychotic bitch but I had assumed she would run away and somehow take care of Desi the same way she did with Nick.
Honestly the part that surprised me (in a very good way) is how well Flynn was at making Amy seem faultless at the beginning. Dropping all these clues that Amy was framing, but making it look like she was doing it for a just cause? I just can't. I can't see any faults of this novel. No wonder this was on the best seller's list. SERIOUSLY did not disappoint. Every should read this.