It's good, but felt like there were some missing parts.
Such as doesn't Jeff have any family? I know it's her memoir, but I'd imagine that his family or lack of family might have impacted her and the possible creation of the next generation. Jeff comes off as a drifter, albeit a perfect one.
I would have appreciated the other elephants in the room, such as her ethical views of the fertility process, we get a glimpse of that but not the heart of the matter. She struggles with the idea of potentially eliminating extra fetuses if there would be too many, and I appreciate knowing her thoughts and feelings on that, it makes her more real, human. However, I, at times, struggle with the ethics of fertility treatments (mostly is it right for people to spend so much money, effort, resources, and so on to produce children that otherwise would probably not exist when there are so many in foster care or are in need of guardians?) and would have liked to know her thoughts on them, even if it was a dismissive acknowledgment, like, ‘I'm not even going to get into the ethics/mores/values of going through this process...‘
sigh, something.
I wanted her to go deeper.
Why did she want to be a mom, I understand there are so many reasons, but what are HER reasons? It's her memoir. Did Jeff really want to be a parent? There was a detail here or there that sure he wanted to be a dad, but to me it came off more that he was a ‘supportive husband'. (Did I miss something?)
I did like the end. I am not mean spirited but I am glad that it didn't end in a happy ending with her magically becoming pregnant and that she had further to go on her journey to one day becoming a parent.
I loved her attitude with medical staff; I'm the friend and family member that goes to the hospital with you and helps you crack jokes with the doctor.
Various parts did make me laugh, life is messy, complicated, and at times funny or otherwise necessarates laughter.