Green Arrow, Vol. 7: Citizen's Arrest

Green Arrow, Vol. 7: Citizen's Arrest



Average rating4

Jamie RevellSupporter

Benson starts off her run on Green Arrow in fine form. The opening story (from the annual) is fairly unremarkable in itself, and clearly ties into something larger going on in another title, but it shows a good insight into Oliver and his role vis-a-vis more obvious superheroes. That's followed up a by a four-part story with a villain killing off wealthy white-collar criminals, bringing things down to Earth and presenting the kind of social issues that this particular title does when it's at its best. Parallels with the Arrow TV show, particularly in its first season, are hard to miss...

There's also time out for a character-based issue dealing solely with the fallout of events in another title that directly impacts on the characters in this one - and it's this that is the strongest part of the collection.

October 23, 2019