Green Lanterns, Vol. 7: Superhuman Trafficking

Green Lanterns, Vol. 7: Superhuman Trafficking



Average rating4

Jamie RevellSupporter

This is a little better than the first volume in Seeley's run on the comic, although I may be on the generous side nudging it up to the full four stars. There are two reasons for the improvement. One is that Seeley is trying more obviously for humour in this outing and, even if his political message is, once again, hammered home a little too forcefully, and the romance subplots are implausible, it's easier to take this as an amusing bit of fun rather than anything actually trying to be serious. Taken in that light, it kinds of works, if you don't think about it too much. The larger reason, though, is that the volume also includes a standalone story (the annual for that year) which is by a different author. In particular, Diggle has a better handle on Jessica than Seeley does, and writes her more convincingly, which improves a story about the Corps' past.

June 13, 2019