Average rating3.3
Wow. Great, great first chapter. Had me hooked on the book within the first few paragraphs and really didn't let go.Solid, solid read. Action, little humor, dash of romance, and a really good crew of likeable characters.I had a couple of quibbles: There was one transition between chapters that involved a time jump, which (eventually) got enough explanation that I didn't feel shorted, but it didn't fit with the rest of the narrative style of the book. Too much of the book was Harper learning about the Grey–the world of magic/paranormal/etc., so it's hard to see what future installments would be like. Obviously, the series is pretty successful at this point, and this book makes it easy to see why, don't think I've felt this way about a debut UF book since [b:Rosemary and Rue 6294549 Rosemary and Rue (October Daye, #1) Seanan McGuire http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1308971694s/6294549.jpg 6478937].