GRILLING DAHMER: The Interrogation Of "The Milwaukee Cannibal"


The Interrogation Of "The Milwaukee Cannibal"

334 pages


Average rating5


Riveting and exciting!

The crimes of Jeffrey Dahmer shocked an entire nation. What started as a simple investigation into a head in a refrigerator, morphed into one of the worst serial killers the United States had seen at that time.
Patrick Kennedy, the detective assigned the case, did more to get Dahmer to cooperate than most. He sat down and treated him as a human being, not just a suspect in an investigation. While he never forgot that Dahmer had more information to offer, he did his best to put the young man at ease, earning his trust, and getting the murderer to open up to him about the many crimes that he had committed.
In “Grilling Dahmer” the many interrogations and thoughts of the detective are laid out. Additionally, you are going to get some of the comments from Dahmer himself, and the eventual circus that would become the court case.

I really enjoyed reading this book. It was interesting to get the impressions of the detective, as well as the many different areas of the crimes of Jeffrey Dahmer. I have long been familiar with Dahmer, but the inner tickings of what made him go off was something that I didn't know. While reading through this book, there were several times I had to stop and go “OH! That makes sense now!”

If you love true crime, you are going to LOVE this book!

August 9, 2021