Average rating3.6
This book doesn't make sense.
Actually, the main character, Mare, doesn't make sense either. Her logic leaps all over the place, and she jumps to conclusions at the speed of light. She calls people she barely knows “cruel” or “black-hearted”, only to take it back and defend them, and then turning against them again later on. This happens mostly with her main love interest, who I think shares nearly no chemistry with her—if any.
The first time I read the blurb, I was excited. The story has such an interesting premise, but the execution... not so impressive. The world-building is rather flimsy. I feel like the whole concept of the Silver's powers never started off on a strong basis to begin with, so all the details never really stuck. It's like they're simply sprinkled all over the story, but never thoroughly explained.
Needless to say, between Mare's selfish, jealous, petty thoughts and the shaky details, I found it really hard to get into the book. The writing style itself is fine, but it's these little things that bothered me to no end. Especially the leaps in logic. The betrayal everyone called “mind-blowing” didn't exactly blow my mind, though I enjoyed the way things go south from that point on.
That's about it though, the rest is definitely not my cup of tea. I can't help but feel disappointed. It had the potential to be good. I wanted it to be good. But sadly it's not as good as I hoped it would be.