Cover 5

Guide My Heart

Guide My Heart

76 pages


Average rating5

Jeff SextonSupporter

Solid, Fun, and Quick Read. At just 76 pages long, this tale doesn't have much length to work with in setting up a world and executing a story within it - and yet it manages to do exactly this remarkably well, proving literary “size queens” wrong in the process. Here, you get a fun tale of a South African safari Christmas trip complete with baby rhinos and big cats... and a dose of paranormal more of the “Loki transitioning to Asgardian Armor in Germany” from the first Avengers movie than swords and sorcery “what the hell is happening, this was supposed to be set in the real world” type. Indeed, arguably its only weakness - that based on the other reviews, might actually be a feature - is its leaning perhaps too hard on the lead male - Chris, no less - being described as Chris Hemsworth / Thor in virtually every scene he is even mentioned in. Still, for what it is and what it is able to do, this is truly a solid work, one that is fairly easily and comfortably set up as a series introduction and one whose series sounds promising. Very much recommended.

February 16, 2021