Average rating3.9
I was really excited about this book and I wanted to like it so badly, but by the end I was skimming to finish it. I know other people love this book and I felt kind of bad that I didn't have the same reaction.
In theory, it should have been a perfect match for me because it has all of the tropes I love — but ultimately, there wasn't enough development to the relationships or the characters to make me want to root for the leads or their romances.
To me, the sibling relationship was well developed but that was about it. I think there was a shallowness and rushedness to the romances that made it difficult to buy into the intensity that shows up later on.
The last third(?) of the book felt really rushed and abrupt and I don't think that the plot needed to go in that direction. The book also leaves a lot of things up in the air and I really felt like if it had a bit more development it could have been a 5 stars for me.