Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

8 • 896 pages


Average rating4.3


Edit #3: 27/3/2015
I am still getting positive feedback over this and every time I read what you guys and girls have told me, my heart swells.
Gosh, I am so proud of this review.

Edit #2: 25\7\2014So I came across this article today, and for some reason, it made me happy!! I feel evil evil laugh http://mea-news.net/en/index.php/2014-04-12-10-49-53/world-news/81-economy/795-amazon-s-heavy-investing-eats-into-bottom-line-shares-drop
Edit #1: 8\3\2014
It has been four months that I posted this review. And so far I have received great feedback. Thank you everyone for yo#ur support ^^
Remember, this is not a benign cause.

I know that I have neglected the subject of the new Goodreads policy a lot recently, and I ought not to have done that. You see, I wasn't very free recently, and well because I didn't know what to either say or on what book should I post it.
And then I read this book, and the rebelliousness in this book made me think that hey, this book is perfect for what I have in mind. Oh, and guess what! I am going to be aggressive.

Let me tell you something maybe a lot of you people are not aware of. We, people who live in the Middle East, look up towards the west, where presumably, everyone is free to say and do whatever they want, bounded by no tradition or religious law whatsoever. But when this kind of law is forced upon everyone from the west itself, we lose hope. We lose hope that anything will be good again. And well for someone (me), who has suffered a lot because of that (Facebook only made my freedom of speech more restricted), I found a haven for myself in Goodreads, where apparently no one gives a damn whether you insult or disagree with them because well, they don't care. And because they are mature enough to ignore any insults under the pretext that it is “your opinion”.
Do you know how much I love that? I have suffered A LOT because of that. Let me tell you something about myself. I never EVER stay quiet about something that I believe to be true – even if I was wrong to many other people – and now Mister Money-Head-Of-Amazon has to ruin that for me.

All right, I realized that everything that was said about the new policy was said in the utmost civilized way. But guess what! I am a teenager. I don't give a damn about manners, and I am about to say what everyone has wanted to say for a long time.

Goodreads by succumbing to the green papers have restricted my freedom of speech. In the last few years, I have been bullied, put down, humiliated, insulted, punished... just because I wanted to say what I had in mind, just because I always stand up to what I believe in. And since because ALL OF THAT HAPPENED TO ME, I turned towards Goodreads where I was surprised that no one cared about whatever I said, and always respected me when I wanted to express myself.
No review of mine has been removed, but a lot of people's reviews have been removed. Since it didn't affect me yet, I should shut up, right? No! Just the fact that it exists is bothering me. It is like having this law around forbidding people to eat chicken, and I hate chicken, but that doesn't mean I should keep quiet. Okay, that was a bad example, but the closest I had to the ridiculousness of what we are fighting for. No one should fight for his right to express himself freely. It is a right. We are born with that right. And no number of reviews removed is going to change that. It is not going to frighten us. It is not going to make us back out. You can remove all the reviews you want, Goodreads, but this is something I believe in. So I am fighting, even if you have to ban me. Well, according to your own policy, you can't do that. Well, you can't even remove the reviews that have been put before the declaration of that censorship but you do it anyway. So you are bunch of hypocrites.

You, Goodreads managers, anyone with the IQ of a peacock can realize that what you have done is so wrong on so many levels.
If I were the Goodreads manager, I would say this to the Amazon Manager when he came offering the new law “You can take your money and your pathetic ass out of my office! You cannot threaten us with money or hold it over our heads! This company has so far made you millions of money just by existing and promoting your books! More than half of our members buy regularly from your website! In fact, according to this logic, you owe us!” GR Manager slaps Amazon Manager.
Jackie Shan bursts into the scene wearing nothing but a newspaper around his waist.
Kung fu! Jackie kicks Amazon Manager's head off, and his body goes around looking for its head. Meanwhile, GR Manager holds both the head and the body and throws them from the window of the headquarters. BOOM! The end.

This policy is so wrong. If people like us cannot express themselves online, then where will they? I might not insult your precious little authors, Amazon Manager (in my opinion they shouldn't be called authors if they can't take god damn criticism. Not everyone should approve with them), but I have every god damn right to express myself freely without having to worry whether my review would be removed or not.
The management even has no right to go around reading whatever we say online because well, I thought they had better things to do. It turns out I was wrong, don't you think? Anyway, what we say online is OUR concern, not yours. You shouldn't threaten us. You shouldn't condemn us.
Maybe to you, you are only deleting a review, but to us you are restricting our freedom. And no one really appreciates freedom but the ones who have been deprived from it. I wonder how the Goodreads Management even agreed to this.
I had a lot more to say about this on my mind, but I think I have made my point quite clearly. Us, readers, and the ones who write a bit like I do, find words our strongest weapon.

Back to my review about this book.
THIS WAS THE WORST BOOK I HAVE READ! I have cried 50 pages straight. why did she have to kill Sirius?WHAT DID HE EVER DO TO HER? I AM STILL CRYING YOU KNOW!
The 5 stars I have given it, it was not a “WOW I LOVED THIS BOOK AUTOMATIC FIVE STARS!” No. It was this kind of books “it deserves 5 stars, with a little dash of wow at the end”.
This is the kind of perfect books that makes you feel as though all happiness, innocence and hope had been sucked out of the world, and until everything in the book is fixed, nothing in the world will ever be right again.
I have really a lot of controversial feelings about this book, but it all goes down to one point. It is good. It is worthy of five stars. And it had hooked me up five days straight.

November 6, 2013