Average rating4.3
Executive Summary: I'm not sure if it's how much I liked Goblet of Fire or if it's all the teenage angst, but this book just isn't as good. The DA goes a long way towards making up for all the brooding and whining Harry seems to do for most of this book, but not completely. Really it's the women: Luna, Ginny and especially Hermione who help make up for it the most. 3.5 Stars
Jim Dale Audio Book: Jim Dale just seems to keep getting better with each book. His voices for Luna who is new to this book, as well as some the O.W.L. test givers and Neville with a broken nose are all excellent on top of all the ones he seems to have mastered in previous books.
Stephen Fry Audio Book: Another great job. He was particularly good at making me annoyed at the characters who were being annoying. His Umbridge voice is nearly as irritating as the movie, and the part at the end with Neville was getting on my nerves it was so good. Once again making it impossible to choose between narrators.
Full Review
I've always been torn on this book. On my very first read through, this was my least favorite. I think in retrospect it's more due to how great Goblet was (as mentioned above).The first time I read this I was 20 years old and still in college. I was much closer in age to Harry and his friends. This time, I'm 30 years old and long removed from my teenage years. I have recollections of similar thoughts and feelings to Harry, but they are just that.
Overall I still enjoy this book, and on this re-read, I put it ahead of Chamber of Secrets but probably not Sorcerer's Stone on my ordering of the series.
There are several things this book has going for it to redeem all the miserable time of Harry feeling sorry for himself. First it introduces Luna Lovegood, whose one of my favorite supporting characters.
Second it introduces the DA. This is a place where Harry really comes into his own. It also gives you a reprieve (for the most part) from all of his teenage angst.
Third is just how great Hermione has become. I've always identified with her more than Harry or Ron. I like order and following the rules. I like books and the learning they can provide. I like being cautious and thinking things out. She's the voice of reason in a book full of teenage angst.
Fourth is the Weasley Twins. They have what could be argued as the best scene in the series in this book. While they are people I probably wouldn't get along with too well (you tell them Hermione!), they sure go a long way to lighten things up.
And speaking of Weasley's, Ginny really finally comes into her own. She's smart and capable and moved on from fawning over Harry.
The final thing I'll highlight is Dolores Umbridge. This is someone I'm torn on. She is utterly obnoxious and frustrating. However, that is the point of her character, so Ms. Rowling does a fantastic job with her. I think simply coupled with Harry's obnoxious traits, it's just a bit too much for one book.
I also find her to be TOO much of an antagonist, and maybe a lost opportunity. If she was a little more like Fudge and less of a sadist, she could be a truly great villain, though maybe Rowling didn't think the subtlety of inaction would be apparent to her readers?
Overall this book is uneven, and I find how much I like it seems to vary with each reading.