Average rating4.4
Executive Summary: This is the book where the series really hits its stride for me. It might be my second favorite book in the series.
Jim Dale Audio book:Mr. Dale continues to grow on me as the series goes on. I've always thought him a good reader, but I'm really coming to love the extra effort he does doing voices for the characters. It really helps to bring the story to life (not that Rowling's writing needs it).
Stephen Fry Audio book: Mr. Fry once again does a great job here too. His voice for Sirius is pretty good. I can't really think of any notable new characters from the last book. His Hagrid probably continues to be my favorite voice.
Full Review
I won't spend much time on this, because well it's Harry Potter. With my last two rereads I really realized just how much I like this book. The movie doesn't really do it justice.
There are so many different things that go into this book to make it excellent. You have the introduction of Sirius Black and the Dementors. It also has my favorite Defense against dark arts teacher with Professor Lupin.
Then there is Hogsmeade. What I wouldn't give to go and visit the real deal. I really need to take a trip down to Universal Studios in Florida and visit the replica.
You also get a lot more Quidditch here than the last two, which is always a favorite element for me. And if all that isn't enough you get the Marauder's Map!
The twists and turns really took me by surprise the first read through, but even knowing how this book ends it's enjoyable start to finish.