Average rating3
Horror just isn't my thing. I think Rossi did a good job of telling a Clive Barker-esque tale that was disturbing and creepy and wonderful, but when I express my dissatisfaction with the way the ending wrapped up... I think it has less to do with the quality of the story told and more to do with the kind stories that I enjoy. Because I really didn't like the ending. It left me annoyed.That said, I was definitely reminded of [b:Weaveworld 52640 Weaveworld Clive Barker http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31XY3DV297L.SL75.jpg 942564] (Barker) and [b:Shade of the Tree 15471 Shade of the Tree Piers Anthony http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1166672987s/15471.jpg 17339] (Anthony), both of which I enjoyed.