Transmedia, Affect, Weird Science and Archives of the Future
A fun albeit dubious piece of scholarship hung on the framework of affect theory, which itself is wide open to criticism. The premise here being that digital media extends human perception and (re)mediation. Somehow the spectral qualities of language allow a form of “time-travel” through forms of archived data. We might be able to retroactively influence the past through a kind of unquantifiable and un-digitized “psi” force. Haunted data and hauntology only ever really happen at the edges of consciousness where alternative modes of science exist and in fact, anything is allowed to exist in these liminal states. This book would be better if the author focused exclusively on the idea of transmedia archives and the importance that context makes in their readings. However, if you're already down with the somewhat wacky theories of Daryl Bem, you're ready for Haunted Data.