Health Radar’s Encyclopedia of Natural Healing: Health Breakthroughs to Prevent and Treat Today's Most Common Conditions

Health Radar’s Encyclopedia of Natural Healing

Health Breakthroughs to Prevent and Treat Today's Most Common Conditions

2017 • 482 pages


Average rating5


Always a fan of Natural Remedy Encyclopedias as this one was a wonderful find! Not only a great encyclopedia of specific diseases and remedies but I also very much enjoyed the early chapters that have a brief breakdown on topics such as Genetics, Immunotherapy, and homeopathy, to name a few. Especially appreciated the chapter on off-the-grid healthcare having been a traveler myself, living on the road for months at a time. Part 2, the Disease Directory is, in my opinion, a must-have for every household! Great book for every home and wish more people would start looking into natural & alternative therapies!