Heart of the Shadow King

This was the best book of the trilogy! In my opinion Vow of the Shadow King was extra, the story would have worked better as a duology. Yes, some happenings in the second book lead to this one but with a good editing between first and second books (let's be honest, not everything in the first book was necessary as well) a duology would have been just fine.

I wasn't sure I wanted to read this book after VOTSK but I am so glad I did, it made so much sense and it moved me so much.

Favorite scenes (NO SPOILERS):
-Cheep, I love it!
-The Vulug Ugdth ceremony
-The war with the Licornyn riders
-Maylin's backstory is beautiful
-All the scenes with Arraog, specially her backstory

Some points I didn't love, but aren't deal breakers for me:
-As some reviews also pointed out, the repeated scenes but from the other's POV was too much, although the last scene made sense, but most really didn't
-Faraine's silence when she actually could and should have said something... it's like “girl, speak your mind, say what happened...” but she chose not to and I thought it would be an interesting plot later on, but it wasn't


- To me, the magic compelling Vor to go through with the alliance made with Larongar didn't make sense... he may not have known about Ilsevel BUT the higher forces compelling him to fulfill his side of the bargain must have... therefore they should not have forced him at all knowing he didn't marry Ilsevel... there couldn't be two Ilsevels at the same time right?


So all in all I loved it, even more than Moonfire Bride and Sunfire King together (and that is a lot to say), to me it had more depth and purpose, the turning points, revelations, the retcon that will be continued in War Bride... puff I am invested

What do you think? Do you agree? Did I miss something?

July 2, 2024