Cover 6




Average rating2.3


Back from vacation and this is the second book that was just OK for me. First, I SWEAR this was advertised as a duet?? (I could be remembering wrong). But, nope...we again have a cliffhanger. Now I fully admit I am a little grumpy on this issue, but I am really tired of authors stretching out the story of one couple over several books. Because of that, this book felt like more of a filler book than one that moved the story forward in any meaningful way. Carter is still being Carter, and I still really don't understand what his motivation for being such a jerk is, and Aria was pretty much a sniveling doormat for the entire book.

So all that negativity aside, I DID actually like this one a bit more than I did book one. Just a smidge, and if you want an intelligent reason as to why I can't give you one. I just found myself slightly more engaged (probably because I thought we were headed for a conclusion that never came lol) But Miz Winters is a fantastic writer and knows how to draw you into a story. So even though THIS particular “series” isn't my favorite of hers, I am still a huge fan of her writing and can't wait to see what she has up her sleeve for us next.

July 16, 2018