

2011 • 71 pages


Average rating4


Oh my what sweet story! Unfathomably this is my first [a:Taylor V. Donovan 4959678 Taylor V. Donovan https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1480953309p2/4959678.jpg] book. It tugged at all of my heartstrings and even when I knew where it was going I happily followed along. The story of Manny and Richard, an MVP ball player and a successful actor who met in the 60's had me swooning. What they and people of their generation had to go through just to be considered fully human beings and be happy brought a lump to my throat but ultimately filled me with joy. Mary Elizabeth is lucky to exist in the realm of fiction because I was set to smack her around, her age be damned. The other aspect that I very much loved about this book is that most of the events are narrated through Richard's journals which almost makes it an epistolary novel. I adore epistolary novels. I would love to know what's next for Michael and Charlie and I'm going to scour the the author's page to see if there are any follow ups with them but I'm also happy to imagine them in each other's lives well into the future.

July 25, 2017Report this review