2023 • 401 pages


Average rating2.8


So, the book went from 4*, to 3.5*, to 4* again. Let me explain myself.

I really enjoyed the world Mariel built for her story, but at times I felt myself getting lost in the quick change of locations, and actions and everything that was happening. Blame it on me and English not being my mother tongue, but at times it felt like a situation wasn't finished being explained and something else entirely different happened and needed to be explained. If that makes sense 🤔

I feel like this world is so big and full of things to explain that trying to convey everything and making the reader understand them in a single book was a hard task. I am so ready though, to keep reading about it because it feels so hella interesting 👀

As for the characters... canIhaveLúcchokemethanks- what?😳 Okay, now seriously, Aheia has such a journey ahead of her I am thrilled to read the second book as soon as possible. Arioch, baby, I feel like I don't know you even though I know stuff? But hey, I'll be waiting for more of that backstory in the next books 👀

And omg, so many side characters, and ship possibilities, and backstories, jeeeez, I'm swooning over here just thinking about it 😭

This is a first book for her as I understand, so I'm here to see growth happen, and yeah... sign me in for more Arioch and Aheia (and Lúc & Tariq 👀 AND SO MANY MORE SHIPS THAT I'M BUILDING IN MY HEAD GOD, it was a good book😭)

ps: spice rating? good spice, reeeal good spice 👀👌🏻

March 27, 2022