Average rating3.8
Reminiscent of [b:Friday Black 37570595 Friday Black Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1519263290l/37570595.SY75.jpg 59181816], and I realize it's unfair of me to say that because Her Body is the earlier work. What I mean is the gimmick: the stories all take place in a reality eversoslightly off-center from ours, recognizable yet alarming. It's an ingenious and effective device: Machado's matter-of-fact depiction of daily misogyny, and that world's casual acceptance thereof, shines a spotlight on the injustices that our world turns a blind eye to.The stories are hit or miss, but in reading my friends' reviews I was delighted to find differences of opinion in which was which. Delighted, because it means thoughtful conversations lie ahead from which I may learn.