Her Majesty’s Swarm: Volume 1

Thanks to NetGalley for the copy of this manga.


I loved this manga. As someone who has spent a LOT of time playing WoW, I have definitely wondered what it would be like to be transported into that world and “play” from the inside.

This story follows Grevillea, as she wakes up and finds herself queen of the Arachnea. A faction from the game she has spent hundreds of hours playing.

She has to learn about the world first hand, and discover if she is truly in the game, or another world, or has gone mad. I loved the concept throughout the book of the hive mind.

This book does have violence and gore. I think the way it was incorporated was integral to the story and our protagonist brings in talks of ethics with each fight.

Can't wait to read the next volumes!

February 3, 2022