Cover 7

Her Twin Brother

Her Twin Brother

2012 • 90 pages

No. Just no.

This reads like some rushed fan fic. The whole story is fairly preposterous but that wasn't what bothered me but rather the fact of barely on the page characters: Abel is a perfect 50's housewife and Heath is caveman a**hole who resorts to belittling name calling and violence when jealous, but of course it's all in the name of love.

The deceased' twin brother and her grieving husband are in love and a couple and I don't think she's been gone even a year and to add insult to injury the sex sucks as in it's covered in about one page but then again if olive oil is all they could come up with I barely care.

Also this is much shorter than advertised (THANKFULLY) as the last 50% is previews for other books and assorted nonsense. Ugh!!!

July 17, 2016