Hidden Agenda
2014 • 320 pages


Average rating4.5


After finishing “Dangerous Passage” on Sunday, I knew I'd be checking out both of the next books this coming Sunday because I loved the first so much. But this came in at work today, and it just so happened to be employee appreciation days, so I got all of 40% off, and couldn't resist, especially after I saw the synopsis. Bottom line: though I really wanted to read the books in order, I'd have to wait til Sunday to do so, and it's impossible to do with a book like this already in hand!

This is just one of those books that defies all reason or logic to become a next favorite. Sometimes I read books that are well written, and then some stories I just live in the pages and never put it down and have absolutely nothing to gripe about. The writing is excellent, the characters well drawn, and the story deeply satisfying. I really don't want the series to be over! I'll be rereading this one plenty of times.

I loved that the characters portrayed family so well, as those from former books didn't hesitate to put careers on the line to help Michael fight the bad guys. I loved that both Michael and Olivia were already believers and were challenged in their faith by the issues they encountered (the message didn't have to be overtly preachy; they lived their morals even when it was hard and they didn't want to.) I also really liked that the romance was understated and still very real. They became a team and then were surprised by romantic feelings–just the way I'd like to have it someday.

June 3, 2015