Average rating3.7
SECOND READ 3/25/17-3/26/17I'd been waiting for the audio to start reading [b:Us 27797842 Us (Him #2) Sarina Bowen https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1454072715s/27797842.jpg 47775179] so after a bat shit week I decided to do a refresher read of [b:Him 25686927 Him (Him #1) Sarina Bowen https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1436433289s/25686927.jpg 45514970] first and what a fantastic idea that was. I won't rehash my review though it's all over the place but those were my thoughts, as they were, at the time. I will reiterate how much I loved the “him” in question: Jamie Canning. He's young but already so full of the qualities that will make him a man you want to know your whole life. When Wes met him was definitely the luckiest day of his life because not only did he get Jamie but he also got the Canning clan and if there's someone in need of a loving family that is Ryan Wesley. I will add that I loved Ryan too. He is cocky and a bit full of himself but in his defense he can back it up. Plus he is an athlete! An NHL bound hockey player! Small egos, low ambition, and self effacement don't get you in to the NHL. He's self aware of his hard prickly shell but his upbringing has made that a necessary survival skill. I also want to thank [a:Sarina Bowen 7737308 Sarina Bowen https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1402702789p2/7737308.jpg] for putting good women in her M/M books. Unlike some M/M readers I'm not freaked or grossed out by sexually present women in M/M and I like that she doesn't portray them as evil or conniving or whatever other misogynistic thing but rather as breathing, sentient, and complex beings. That's a long way of saying that Holly needs her own book. Another person who needs his own book, because I feel for him and need to know his future got better is Mark Killfeather. Extra points for not doing the usual bi erasure. Jamie was true and honest in his previous relationships with women, it just so happens he wasn't in love with those people. Jamie & Wes were lost to each other from day one. They just didn't know it. ;-)This brought me back to Happy. Thank you. I'm off to [b:Us 27797842 Us (Him #2) Sarina Bowen https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1454072715s/27797842.jpg 47775179]FIRST READ 9/1/16-9/2/16This was everything I didn't know I needed and wanted!Everything from a fantastic audio by [a:Teddy Hamilton 15007880 Teddy Hamilton https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png] and [a:Jacob Morgan 3145556 Jacob Morgan https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1493415553p2/3145556.jpg] to the sweet, hopeful and heartwarming story of two people becoming adults & jumping into the world and its attendant challenges but secure in love and good company.I'd been reticent about reading this as I don't do sports so much and NA can sometimes be hit or miss for me but Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy handle the story beautifully with just the right amount of seriousness but no trumped up angst or drama and with lots of humor and good vibes and of course sexiness to spare.I know that life is full of a**holes but I was so glad that aside from Wesley's father and Killfeather Sr.the community surrounding Jamie and Wes (Ryan) were normal, recognizable and lovely people that we all wish to know and can I just say that I want to be adopted by the Canning clan? Also Holly! Love that girl so hard.Is there a lovelier man than Jamie Canning? Sensitive, open and loving yet strong and decisive when it counts. And Wes ... whose been dealt from both piles of the deck: talent to spare but shitty parents; a society that still shuns people like him for their sexual orientation and a community and family and best friend/lover who embrace him whole heartedly. Yes he sometimes runs and hides but who didn't when they were 18 or 22? My only quandary now is that I don't know if I want to read [b:Us 27797842 Us (Him #2) Sarina Bowen https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1454072715s/27797842.jpg 47775179] because I felt like [b:Him 25686927 Him (Him #1) Sarina Bowen https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1436433289s/25686927.jpg 45514970] ended perfectly and I don't want to burst my bubble of bliss, plus there doesn't seem to be an Audio version yet and I really loved the narration.