Average rating3.9
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As soon as I found out this book was available for purchase, I bought it and read it very swiftly. Which was probably a bad idea, because within the 3 days it took me to read it, I was under a massive emotional rollercoaster like I had never experienced before.
It was quite strange, actually. In one scene I would be laughing, and in the next scene, I would be crying my eyes out. I usually don't cry in a book until the story is over, but I cried a total of 5 times over the course of this book. My heart actually hurt, as though I had just been in a car accident or something. It was interesting, and strange. But also satisfying to know a book could do that to me.
I could tell that the story was very personal to the author. I really enjoyed the OCD representation, especially because it was shown in a way which doesn't often show in YA books, and because it is something Silvera relates to.
Now, I will admit that the main character, Griffin, is a very flawed character. He makes mistakes, some of which are troubling. Sometimes, I found myself looking down on him like a disapproving mother, but perhaps this is a good thing. Not every character can be Mr. Perfect all of the time.
I understand why some people have problems with Griffin's actions, and his decisions are probably what lead me to feel so broken in the first place.
Romance: ♥️♥️♥️
My Own Heartbreak: