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How Come No One Told Me That?

How Come No One Told Me That?

Life Lessons, Practical Advice and Timeless Wisdom for Success


Average rating5


Cant give less than five star. Such a superb collection of anecdotes and experiences of the author. He makes great connection of simple things of life to lessons for life.
It deserves at least 5 times read.

Dont take easier path, choose the one that takes you to your goals.

Dont just long for things because many people are longing for it. If it doesn't have any meaning for you, just give it a pass.

Dont ask someone How can i help, ask it to yourself and just do it. Do something that helps.

Get yourself an alteration tailor. Someone who helps you become better version of yourself.

Success comes thru Grit, thru sticking it out.. Giving up is easy, and when you have options, it gets easier. Sometimes not having any option can be the fuel that powers you along the long rpad to success.

The only point that matters is the next one, in sports and in life.

Sitting pretty on past successes is not an option.

Appearances matter, but try and avoid the bias of visual cues in your judgements.

Quantity matters, the more the quantity, the quicker is the learning and becoming better.

Effectiveness is more important than looking good.

Stop believing that you are the one making everything happen.

Hanlon's razor - Never attribute something to malice that could have been cussed by negligence/stupidity.

Beliefs shape our reality.

Dont have stereotypes in head about people. There are good people out there who are waiting to help. But we are busy putting up a ‘Do not disturb' sign.

Give credit, take ownership. Awesome example of great save at Miracle on the Hudson..

And Many More.

December 9, 2021