How to Act Like a Grown-Up: Practical Wisdom for Every Age

How to Act Like a Grown-Up: Practical Wisdom for Every Age



Average rating2.5


Thanks to Netgalley to allow me to review this interesting book ;)

How to Act Like a Grown-Up is kind of a manual for every age on, imho, how to act and behave correctly in a society, or the way growned up people should be (most of them are by the way but not all of them, that's why I think this book is aimed to everyone).

The book is divided in several chapters offering some good advices on different parts of your life. But I was personally a bit bothered by the paternalist and condescending tone used throughout the whole book. Perhaps I've expected too much for the book by reading its summary, but I was also expecting much more humor in it than it contains. Every chapters is still too serious in my opinion, and that can in fact damage the good advices given by the book.

So, if you can get over the general tone, this book delivers quite a lot of good advices, that everyone should put on work in his everyday life.

April 7, 2015