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How to be a Writer in the E-Age

How to be a Writer in the E-Age: A Self-Help Guide



Average rating4.5


[a:Anne R Allen 14626407 Anne R Allen][a:Catherine Ryan Hyde 126447 Catherine Ryan Hyde]I love this book! Honestly, I wasn't sure if I would. After all, I've read a 101 writing books, and I'm not even exaggerating. Catherine and Anne share their ups and downs in the publishing industry with honesty. Their kind and uplifting tone would make some of the tough facts and advice they give out easier to swallow. My favourite bits have to be the chapters about blogging and social media etiquette, though to be brutally honest, their advice sometimes contradict some of advice given by others who claim to be as knowledgeable. So, it could be a challenge to know who is correct. For example, Anne cautions against thanking people for following you on Twitter. Another blogger tells me you should because it's only polite. Who do you believe? Who knows? In the end, both Catherine and Anne's advice is based on their experiences, so consider their words in that light.Anne, for one, had gone through a rough spot of cyber bullying where she was threatened by an overzealous fan of a blogger who disagreed with her. So she's wary of forums such as Absolute Write etc because of her experiences. Maybe overly so. I can't say I blame her. I, too, met a bully on the popular Kindleboards forum for writers, Writer's Cafe. It began very innocently, mind you - I thought I was making friends with a fellow author. But I ended up being pushed around and bullied into helping him fulfill his moneymaking dreams. I am now just lurking in the forums, concerned at times by the herd mentality that I see going on in there. However, I have to say that if you play the game well, don't trod on too many toes, certain forums can become invaluable sources of information and you can make great friends that way. Yes, even Kindleboards. So do take the authors' advice on forums seriously - cyberstalking and bullying, unfortunately, is far too real. And, behave well in cyberspace!What this book doesn't do, however, is to teach you how to write a novel etc. It isn't that kind of book. It will, however, instruct you on how to have the attitude of a writer, how to get your book out there and yes, how to behave in cyberspace so that you don't ruin your career before it begins with a cyber meltdown.Great book, especially if you want to build a digital platform as a writer.

December 5, 2015