Cover 5

How to Capture a Duke


~Check out all my reviews over on The Bent Bookworm!~

Regency romances aren't really my thing, but I was drawn in by the synopsis of this one. When the request for extended blog coverage came out I jumped on it. I'm very excited to say that I really loved it!! Totally surprised myself, and well done to the author! How to Capture a Duke is the third book in the Raven Club series, but it can completely be read as a standalone. The other two books are based around Lady Olivia's brother and sister, and after reading this one I really want to read their stories – but it is definitely not necessary to have done so before diving into this one!

I loved Olivia's spunk and the way she continually made the best of a bad situation, and my heart absolutely ached for Tristan. Despite his privilege as a duke, his heart and soul have been badly trampled by society. It's really a wonder he didn't turn out to be a complete ass! Oh, and they're completely hot for each other. There are a couple of SIZZLING sex scenes. You have been warned! Also, Tristan's grandmama is the bomb. I love her so much. She is absolutely amazing and I want to be her when I grow up.

I have a lovely excerpt to share, so I'm keeping my review short and sweet. You really don't want to miss the excerpt so be sure to keep reading! There's also a giveaway at the end of the post, so be sure to enter that as well.

October 5, 2019