Cover 4

How to Make Paper When the World is Ending

How to Make Paper When the World is Ending

A wide array of short stories, some more impactful than others. Neither story was bad, yet neither was intensely gripping to warrant a 5 star for me. A solid 3.5 stars from me, an enjoyable read and a nice way to spend a day, but won't stay with me for very long.

All in all this collection of short stories taught me to be appreciative of what we have, how we can only go forward, never back. It taught me to appreciate a story and how you can, with simple measures, change the narrative of it, whilst also making me understand that a story is not enough, it is never the same as the lived experience. It made me sing Christmas songs in May and shed a tear of the loss of my grandmother and want to hug the people I love. To me, this book is about loss in many different ways.

My favourite stories were frozen windmills, how to make spinach-artichoke lasagna three weeks after your best friend's funeral, and the man who lives in my shower.

Thank you to NetGalley for a free copy of this ebook in exchange for an honest review.

May 25, 2022