Cover 8

How Westminster Works . . . and Why It Doesn't

How Westminster Works . . . and Why It Doesn't


Average rating3.7


more a litany of complaints than a cohesive thesis, applying a cynical lens that paints all phenomenon with a universalising brushstroke (e.g. everything is explained by incompetence, lack of expertise). not charitable in acknowledging intentional design or trade-offs (e.g. civil service and ministerial rotations). stays at 1st level of analysis, taking responses/phenomena at face value when they suit the argument while reading others as symptomatic of the hopelessly irrational and broken system when they don't. fundamentally, would benefit from a clear discussion on the why rather than the what, laying out the implicit assumptions of its proposals (why should parliament be a place for forensic examination with no time constraints? why should the govt be reformed as a technocracy? + where have these worked vs been pipe dreams?). that being said, some fantastic case studies (e.g. afghan evacuation)

January 1, 2024