Hunter's Prayer

Hunter's Prayer



Average rating4

Tabitha TomalaEarly Adopter

Ok, here goes round two for the Jill Kismet series and I must say I was impressed. For the most part I am getting a handle on how Saintcrow's world works. Some writers prefer their readers to work through the pieces they give them, leaving it up to the readers to form a full picture. I haven't read an author with this writing style in a while, but Saintcrow certainly has a way with words, an intense bunch of characters and plot twists. I really really want to know why Jill made a deal with Perry though. It seems taboo for a hunter to do so, did Mikhail know she wouldn't be able to handle the nightside with out it? Did he know he was going to die? My questions aside, this was a hell of a ride!  I devoured this book when the first one took me a little while to sink into. We see another side to Kismet's psyche and she isn't as badass as she was in the first book. Well let me rephrase that, she was badass but not as unbreakable. I had fears that she would turn into an unstoppable force since she healed so damn fast in the first book, but Saintcrow added a healthy amount of balance this time around. I am eager to continue reading this series.

January 30, 2015