Average rating4.1
I loved this book so much! I think I loved this more than the first. Even though I really enjoyed the Victorian London setting and the ripper murders over the lore of Romania, there are just so many things I adore about this book.
Well let's just say I didn't see the ending coming at all. In either books but particularly in this one. I love how you can see the repercussions about what happened in the first book but it is still it's own individual entity. Obviously the forensics aspect and cutting into cadavers was amazing. I just love how Kerri rights that and it interests me. There was also a wider cast of characters in this one than the first. But it focused on the main two from the last book.
And let me just say Dear, Mr. Thomas Cresswell can you come marry me? Thomas Cresswell is perfect! He is tall, dark and handsome. He has a sarcastic wittiness but it still sounds like he is from the time period with the way he puts things and I can appreciate that. On the inside he is a little messed up and makes mistakes but everybody has those days. He tries so hard to fix them too which is sweet. He is very very very protective and caring when he gets to the point of love and when he lives somebody he truly and wholeheartedly loves them. That's why he has the sarcastic front. But I just love everything about him especially when he is in a nicely tailored suit. Did I forget to mention is is flirty as all get out. And I love that!
Moving on from that to wrap this up the writing is impeccable, the characters are spectacular, the setting is mystifying, the plot is original and the twists and surprises are so shocking. I can't wait for the 3rd and 4th book in this series. All I have to say is thank you Kerri Maniscalco and thank you James Patterson for having this imprint that published these books.