Cover 1

If Chins Could Kill

If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor


Average rating4.5


I'm glad I had the physical copy so I could see the non-traditional formatting and photos; so much like the character “Sam Axe” in Burn Notice. And I'm really happy to hear that “Sam Axe” is pretty much the actor Bruce Campbell in casualness, humor, and plain speaking.

A whole lot of technical jargon but it was an eye opener as to his relationship with Sam Raimi and brought more perspective to Evil Dead, which I'd tried to watch but just couldn't; same with Evil Dead II. Now that I know a bit more, I may be able to watch Evil Dead, at least, with more compassion [I was throwing US Football yellow flags and waiving Soccer red cards right-n-left, initially].

Still not sure how to interpret the Forward done by the editor of the book...

September 7, 2020