One Woman's Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer
Average rating4
As someone who has not read a lot of true crime, i do not how this book stands against the rest in the genre so i am not sure how to rate it. Three star rating because I just remember how chaotic I felt the structure was. This book does what a lot of non-fiction does. It jumps back and forward through time. Now, with standard non-Fiction, this can make the book tedious or complicated, but overall, I can keep up with the events of the story. With true crime, it is a bit harder, as there are a myriad of dates, locations, victims, investigators, etc., that we are keeping tracking of on top of the timeline. I constantly found myself getting out of the flow state of reading because it was quite difficult to keep track of all the key pieces of information provided in this book, simply because of the scattered way in which it was pieced together. Which brings me to the overall structure of this book which bounced all over the place. In fact, I would say there was very little structure overall to the book, which made it hard to follow but i was still able to connect with it. Looking forward to searching about more true crimes which could be 5 star reads.