Average rating4.2
3.5 stars
Hmm, ok I have some thoughts.
I recently realized that, although science fiction shows are some of my favorite things, I haven't actually read many (if any) science fiction books. And this series has intrigued me for a while, with its cool mixed-media format and spaceship setting. I thought I'd try it.
And wow, was this a good story! It was everything my sci-fi-nerd heart could've wanted. Plus, the way it was told - through emails, interviews, diagrams, camera footage transcripts, etc - made it even more of an experience. I really loved this.
I have to call out that there is a LOT of language in this book. Plenty of d-words and h-words and misusing Jesus/God's name. There was “stronger” language as well, but because it's YA, they have those words blacked out. But honestly, reading it in context, you know what the words are. And there's just a lot of it. Enough to bump my rating down a star.
Now, if there was any situation that warranted strong language, being trapped in a damaged spaceship with a deadly plague spreading while also being pursued by another spaceship planning to destroy you- that would be it.
Also noted: there is a little mild sexual innuendo as well.
I'm going to continue reading the series. I just wanted to be clear about the content issues, for those who want to steer clear (a position I definitely respect).