I'm F*cking Amazing

I'm F*cking Amazing


Average rating4


When I picked up I’m F*cking Amazing, I thought I was in for a lighthearted and hilarious story of the sexual escapades of a woman in her late twenties to early thirties. And while I did get something hilarious, I also got something with much more depth than I expected.

The book reads very much like a memoir, or actually, it felt very much like an extremely long text from my best friend in the world. The one I used to have, anyway. We told each other everything and we were brutally honest about it all. That’s what reading this book felt like. I was being trusted with some deep, dark secrets that no one, not even the narrator’s other best friends knew.

While there were some exciting (and humorous!) sexcapades, the bulk of the story was about how the unnamed narrator dealt with her complex emotions surrounding her incredibly toxic relationships with two separate men and how she struggles with repeating patterns in her relationships and making the changes and progress she desperately hopes for. It’s a realistic portrayal of real life, where personal growth can be a messy, non-linear process. With a hilariously unhinged, vulnerable, and yes, deeply flawed, narrator, Anoushka Warden shows us that it’s okay to acknowledge that.

Originally posted at www.instagram.com.

May 22, 2024