Infinite Jest

Infinite Jest

1996 • 1,079 pages


Average rating4.3


I have no idea how to rate this book. Or how to even write a review.

Never before did I go through a roller coster ride in a book like this.

At the beginning I wanted to throw this book out of the window (or rather delete it from my Kindle), burn it (delete from my computer) and write the most horrible review possible about this unreadable dreck.

Well, then after about 200 pages in it suddenly started to grew on me, the writing style, the stories that started to interact and I was really looking forward to the outcome.

And then it ended and I am like, so that was it? I felt a bit unsatisfactory. Like you can almost come during, sex, but right before ... it ends.

So, if someone looks for advice if this book is readable, I honestly can't. On one side I say, it was sure not worth the long time I read this book (good three months) and the amount of concentration you have to out into it. You just can't open that book and read it, you really need to concentrate on it. This is really hard work. But it can be really nice to read, and really interesting, but then it ends like this ...

And the footnotes. Good 400 footnotes. Oh and some of the footnotes have footnotes too. And then some of the footnotes footnotes have footnotes. Never before have I seen that in any book I ever read. And some of those footnotes are like full chapters long. You really need to read them. Reading them post the book is kind of awkward (that is what I did).

After all this, I just give it three stars. The first 200 would have been 1, then I would have given it 4, but at the end I will settle with three. Three is good. Neither bad nor outstanding. Good. “Befriedigend” as the german would get in school. Let's leave it at that.

September 5, 2016