

Average rating4


I always really enjoy this author's books, and this one was no different. It was well written. It was well paced. The plot was engaging, and I thought quite unique. It was relatively low angst. There was no OW or OM drama. There was a small cast of interesting secondary characters (I adored Jay). It had a bit of steam. Last, it was all wrapped up in a sweet little two years later epilogue.

Which brings us to our two main characters. One I thought made this entire book. The other left me feeling a little ambivalent. Mia by far was the shining light of this book. Her transformation through anxiety and depression to reconnect with her true self was just great to read about. She was such an open and kind heroine. Had a huge heart. Didn't back down and embraced everything Logan threw her way. She made this book a pleasure to read.

Logan's character on the other hand just left me feeling a little “meh.” I wasn't feeling him at all for the first 50% of the book. His character felt bland. He didn't have that edge I really like my heroes to have. I found him boring. I actually felt Mia and Jay had more chemistry than her and Logan. Halfway through his character developed a little more depth, but I just never completely warmed up to him. Which is the sole reason this book gets 4 stars instead of 5.

Still, even with that issue this was a cracking good read. Two thumbs up from yours truly.


May 1, 2019