Average rating3.6
No Spoiler Review:
I really love this book. It doesn't quite measure up to the first book overall, but that is because Divergent was so wonderful. But, the ending climax was much stronger in this one. I really like the way Tris develops over the course of this one. I really like digging into the minor characters more. Overall, I loved this. I had some issues here and there, and some scenes between her and Four felt repetitive at the beginning. But I loved it.
You have been warned, precede no further if you want spoiler free.
I was annoyed with Four more in this one. Though I realize that was because we got to see his flaws more. I think, due entirely to how he came around in the end, that made him a stronger character. Still, some of their fights felt ongoing. Which is realistic, but repetitive in a novel.
I loved the world building, getting to see Amity and Candor far more than originally.
I also was excited to see what became of Uriah, Zeke, Marlene (cries) and Lynn (cries more). Uriah was always a favorite of mine. And the arch with Christina was flawless. Loved it.
I think one of my favorite parts was Peter. Very interesting changes with him.
I loved that we got to see Tris use more of her traits from the three factions. She's really smart and resourceful in this!
And the end with her and Four was so cathartic after the complete failure of communication throughout the novel. Bravo!