Interpretarea viselor
1899 • 784 pages


Average rating5


I would compare this book to Sein und Zeit and L'Être et le Néant – two philosophical masterpieces, two trademarks of the history of spirit in the 20th century. I didn't understand it 100%, I have to come back to it, I need to read more medicine, neurology and psychology. I have read tons of secondary bibliography in the last decade about Freud and his school; reading the book was a wonderful experience because I had the feeling of going to the absolute source (or one of them because Schopenhauer and Nietzsche are the real forerunners of the inconscious). Some of the fragments are brilliant and I agree with a friend of mine - a Freudian psychologist - who said to me that the essence of Freud is scattered in a page or two, the rest is just a cover up. The Interpretation of Dreams has at least 10 such pages, you have to figure out where to find them.

July 8, 2013