Into the night

Into the night

2017 • 377 pages


Average rating4


3.5 stars. Great writing made me zoom through the book. However, the author overcomplicated the plot by throwing ever twist she could think of at it. It made it unbelievable at times! A simpler plot would have made the story more believable.

Also, although it's called “romantic” suspense, I really didn't feel that our couple's relationship was developed at all. They seem like cardboard figures going through the motions - though, I'd have to say it's rather hot. Still, a romance novel needs more than a couple of smutty scenes strung together. We need a REASON - why are there couple together? What motivated them to move their relationship beyond “friends with benefits”?

So, as a romance novel, it fails in that aspect. As a thriller, it's above average.

June 16, 2019