Average rating3.4
It was confusing to keep up with the characters for the first third of the book, but then it began to get easier as more of what really happened began to unfold. When the background story started to get more stout, and we really start to learn more about what we think really happened and which characters were involved, it starts rolling along much smoother. I understand that this was intentional, so I don't fault Paula Hawkins for writing it this way, but I've seen a few vloggers reveal that they had to keep a cheat sheet beside them with notes to keep up with each character. Fortunately, I did not have to resort to this and that is probably because I had to read it rather quickly. I checked this out from the Libby app and the library is not so generous about extending the days for their digital rentals. I also purchased the audio book via Kobo-Rakuten. The audio book version was narrated by multiple people and was outstanding! I highly recommend the audio book. However, because of the complexity of the story line, I suggest the book over the audio version if you can't get both. I can't wait for Paula Hawkins next book!