It Ends with Us


Average rating3.6


It Ends With Us was another book I made a lot of assumptions about. I didn't really know what to expect when I started reading it and all I knew was that it was from the romance genre and highly regarded on Goodreads. I wanted something light and so I picked it up. In the beginning that's exactly what I thought this book was, nothing more than just a love triangle with sometimes cheesy dialogue. Well, I get a whole ton more than I bargained for! This books turned out to be so much more complicated, deep and trensending that I ever imagined possible from a romance novel and I absolutely inhaled it in a matter of days!

To begin with, the plot was interesting enough to me, especially because the romance genre is pretty new to me and I don't really have much to compare it to but I thought it was cute- nothing more, nothing less. Then, once I got through a good chunk of the book it dawned on me that this book was so much more. There was an overwhelming message that this book so wonderfully delivered that it just pulled at my heartstrings and I ended up loving it! It successfully illustrates an issue that is very serious and occurs very often in today's society and I got a much better understanding of it then I have ever gotten before. I love books that educate me and expand my mind. This is the first time that a book didn't really reveal the complexity of its plot to me until a good way into it and I am here for it, very nice surprise!

Further on, the characters, although they seemed somewhat superficial in the beginning and a bit cheesy with their sometimes cheesy dialogue, grew on me as they revealed more about themselves and their backgrounds and went through all the experiences that they encountered in the book which definitely made them grow and change into better people. Growth is something that definitely makes for some really in-depth characterization and the characters really grew on me and in the end I felt as though I understood each of them, even the least likable ones.

Next, the writing style was concise and to the point, just how I like it. There wasn't anything too complicated but it flowed smoothly and made for an easy reading time. It perfectly got the amazing story across.

All in all, I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys heavier romances and books with a very big meaning behind them. This isn't some stupid romance story that, it's so much more than that. I was pleasantly surprised that a book I was a bit disappointed in at the beginning, really made a comeback and won me over by the end. Give it a chance, you won't regret it!

October 8, 2020