Cover 6


At 24 y.o. Mitchell Wellington has been knocked hard by life. His parents died shortly after he started college and Evan, his first and only boyfriend, unfurled his true colors revealing the abusive and controlling human turd he truly was, isolating Mitch from the world and using him in ways both painful and degrading without Mitch's consent. Wrapping himself in scraps of courage Mitch escapes to Chicago hoping to hide in the anonymity of a big city and trying, for the first time, to function on his own as an adult.

Jenson Delaney is a renowned movie star who at 40 y.o. is looking to find the same kind of success in his personal love life. He's a Dom and until now hasn't had issues sharing Boys with others, being a third, but he's yearning for something of his own. Some love & domesticity.

Luckily, Mitchell is me driving, and in a panic swerve to avoid hitting a dog hits Jenson's car. The two meet, and it's a sweet, slow burn, hurt/comfort, and sexy road to HEA. I liked it very much.

Mitchell's journey from an abused young man, whose sense of self-worth has been crushed to the ground to someone who's finally able to stand on his own two feet, albeit or thanks to, the help of friends and a real lover is poignantly and realistically portrayed. That he is able to achieve this within the parameters of a BDSM relationship (mostly D/s) is a love note to an expression of sexuality that is often misunderstood and a testament to how strong & courageous Mitch really is. We also get Jenson as the embodiment of what we hope a partner will be: loving, patient, and all about consent.

Jenson never forces anything on Mitch, his help or love are not subject to conditions. He lets Mitch take every step on his own, lets him decide even when he should probably push, but when Jenson is Mitch's Dom there is no mistake about who's in charge. Perfect.

I liked all the friends that come into play, the ones who are clearly set up for future books, and the ones who are just part of this world. I liked that though Mitch found Jenson, or the other way around, Mitch very much saved himself in every way that counts and got someone to love & love him in return too.


April 20, 2020